Monday 26 February 2018

The Highline

The Highline is a dedicated walk way and park area raised above the streets of Mid-town New York. It is built on what was an abandoned freight train line. After a high fatality rate from freight trains killing pedestrians, the train lines were raised above the street level in
 the 1930's. With the evolution of freight being moved by trucks, the freight lines became abandoned.

When we visitted on our last trip, we entered at the W28th Street entrance. It was a unique experience and I liked how there were art installations along the way. It gave a great perspective of the city looking down from a storey up. The Highline is a free experience.

The biggest tip I could give you is to download the guide before you leave home. Check where the rest rooms are and other exits as you cannot actually get out except at these stairs and lifts. If someone in your party cannot access stairs, particularly look for where the lift access entrances are.

How to get here- Look at the map and head out on foot to one of the entrances OR the closest subway stop to the Highline would be the 7 Manhattan to Queens train getting off at 34th St- Hudson Yards train. This brings you to the northern most point of the Highline and the entrance point is an accesible ramp at W34th and 12th St.

Highline website is found here

The map of the Highline with entrances and rest rooms is found here

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