Monday 29 August 2016

My favourite Disneyland "Hidden Gems"

What are Hidden Gems?

Hidden gems are similar to 'Easter Eggs' in gaming- hidden into the experience for those people that want an extra challenge or something to search for during their experience. They might be a hidden Mickey or a secret message only those in the know are aware of or even a sensory hidden gem like a specific smell or a sound. Some are really obvious and others are extremely well hidden, all are a fun way to get more out of your day at Disneyland.

If you are a first time visitor to Disneyland, don't worry about getting too caught up in these as in searching for them you might miss the every day wonders of just being in Disneyland. Every time we go I try to research more. I am not at all going to tackle listing them all, just some of my favourite in each area. Feel free to comment and say some of your favourite Hidden Gems.

As you enter Disneyland
We ALWAYS go via the left side of the tunnel under the train line. We pause and look up just to be reminded that we are back and the vision Walt Disney had.

Walt's light
Once you walk through the tunnel into Main Street, you will see in the middle there is a flag pole.. Go and stand there in the middle and stand with your left shoulder facing the main entrance. You will see the Fire house straight ahead. Above that behind lace curtains is an old fashioned Tiffany style lamp that is shining through the curtains (easier to see at night but still visible most days) That is an apartment that Walt and his family used to stay in at Disneyland. If Walt was in there, he would turn the light on so cast would know he was 'on site'. The day that he died, the light was turned on and remains on as a symbol that Walt is now and forever more 'present' in Disneyland. 

On the right of this hub there is a 'Lost children sign' The people shown on the sign are Mr and Mrs Downing from Peter Pan...who indeed lost their children.

The Travel Concierge tip
Did you know that you can go on a behind the scenes tour that will show you inside Walt's apartment? Tour info and how to book is found here.

The Windows on Main Street
Every window on Main Street 2nd floor is significant. Look out for the obvious names ending in Disney like Elias Disney (Walt's father) and Roy Disney (his brother) but every other name is significant. You can buy a book in Main Street that explains who every person was and their significance to Walt. It is one of my favourite books of Disney history.

Hidden Walt
All over the parks there are Hidden Mickeys. There is only one (to my understanding) hidden Walt. I was shown this by a tour guide one year. Go into the Town Hall where Great Moments with Mr Lincoln runs. in the foyer there is a display where there is a replica of the castle. Lean down and look inside where the draw-bridge and entrance is and you can see a little Walt Disney figurine.  it is to replicate the above photo.

Also in this foyer there is the park seat where Walt Disney first came up with the idea of Disneyland while on an outing with his daughters. Also here is one of the carousel horses his daughters used to ride at Griffith Park.

Penny Arcade
Many of these machines are actually the original ones sourced by Walt Disney. The orchestrion (self playing organ) is my favourite. Throw in some coins to hear some old time tunes. There is an interesting article about a hidden gem inside the organ found here.

Look out for Esemerelda the fortune teller. If you look carefully at her cards you will see the pictures on the cards are the characters from the Haunted Mansion stretching room.

Transport on Main Street
If lines are crazy long or you just need to be off your feet for a while...or you just want to experience the fun of Disney transport jump on the transport vehicles. On the fire truck, children (or people who are child at heart) can very nicely ask to ring the bell. When you get off you can also ask for a Junior Firefighter sticker.

Walt used to love riding in these vehicles when the park was closed. I love to ride them and imagine him doing the same and convince myself that he sat and touched the exact vehicle I am in...maybe wishful thinking but it is still pretty cool.

Transport through the park

Disneyland Railroad
You can ask the Station Master whether your children can call out the "All Aboard" They make a big fuss and your child calls out to all on board. We did the whole route with each child taking it in turns saying it.

Two other sometimes gems are when you ask if you can ride the tender up with the train driver (enough room for two) and riding in the 

Mark Twain
Once we were sitting chatting as we waited for the Mark Twain to come around. A cast member started a conversation with our girls and at the end said how polite they were, and asked if they wanted to do something special. When the Mark Twain docked, we were led up to the Bridge and each got a task to complete. Throughout the trip, one had to ring the bell and one had to pull the string on the air whistle. They each had a turn turning the wheel. At the end we had to sign the guest book and were shown a photo of Walt himself up doing the same thing. It was a surreal moment in time. As we left the Captain gave them each a certificate. I understand it is more often that not only when cast members approach you that it is allowed, but worth asking if you can!

Am I hearing things?
Again on Main Street you can hear noises coming from upstairs and even the phones hidden on Main street. There is a very lively piano lesson, conversations between people and the sound of a patient getting their teeth drilled at a dentist (down the alley on the right)

What can I smell?
As you walk past the food stores on Main Street, smells are pumped out the shops to encourage you to come in and buy the food. Do it!  You know calories don't count in the Happiest place on Earth, right! Likewise, you can smell a salty breeze near the Pirates ride and the smell of honey near The Great Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.

Great Bins
Did you know that the bins in Disneyland were designed by Walt Disney himself? They were designed to keep rubbish in the bins and have caught on in theme parks all over the world.

New Orleans Square
At the New Orleans train station you can hear morse code. It is a sound recording of the telegraph recording of Walt's opening day "welcome speech"

Look on the wrought iron railings above the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. You will see in gold Walt and Roy Disney's initials. You used to be able to get up here and look inside when it was a Disney art gallery. Now it is part of the famous Dream Suites.

Club 33
This was a club that Walt Disney created as the only venue in Disneyland to serve alcohol. Walt would entertain distinguished guests here. Now it is a club that is very exclusive. the wait list can be years long. The rumoured membership fee per year is $10,000 with a $25,000 initial joining fee also being rumoured. The entrance is hidden in New Orleans Square and you rarely see the door open. All you can see from the outside is the 33 number. On a recent trip to Disneyland my family was lucky enough to be taken into Club 33 by members. It was possibly in the top 20 moments of my life (how sad is that!) We learnt that the lift inside was sourced by Walt and dismantled and brought to Disneyland and painstakingly put back together.

Pirates of The Caribbean
My favourite Hidden Mickey in here is on the brick wall to your right as you go through past the ship firing cannons. It is 3 cannon ball sized holes in the brick work in the shape of a Mickey head.

Look out also for the hidden 'Captain Jack Sparrow's' and other Pirate's characters. Don't miss the one near the well.

Look out for the Captain skeleton lying in bed looking through a maginifying glass. On his bed head is a skull and crossbones which are the only remaining skull and bones.

As you start the Pirates ride, look to your right and you will see the people dining at Blue Bayou. Be sure to wave and call out 'hi!'

The pirate above the bridge
Over the many years I have been coming to Disneyland (since the 70's) there is a pirate that appears and disappears from trip to trip. He is sitting up on a bridge you go under in your boat. He is so close you can see the hairs on his legs. No one can tell me why he keeps going away and coming back...My guess is people touch him/ mark him in some way from the boat and they have to keep fixing him...I always look out for him, and do sort of think how freaked out I would be if he jumped into my boat...maybe just me?

Haunted Mansion
Before you eve get in the mansion, be sure to read the tombstones and messages on statues in the pet cemetery. The names are named after actual people, for example "Here lies brother Fred, a big old rock fell on his head." refers to Fred Joerger a famous set designer who specialised guess it creating rocks.

My favourite hidden Mickey is actually an unauthorised hidden Mickey and so may or may not be there. In each ride, the Imagineer is in charge of setting up the Hidden Mickeys. Cast members that maintain the rides sometimes create other ones. When the Imagineer goes through the ride to inspect it, they will make sure it is removed. This one is in the dining hall. On the left side of the dining table closest to your 'Doom buggy' you will see a dinner plate and two side plates in the shape of a Mickey head.

Cake-In the same dining room, there is a cake on the table, with a ghost leaning in to blow out the candles. This cake is brand new and changes every year and in the holiday period it is a new Gingerbread creation each year.

Hidden Nightmare items- Look in each room of the Mansion for a little bat that featured in the film.

The Travel Concierge bonus
As you enter the Haunted Mansion ask a cast member for a death certificate.

Many adventures of Winnie the Pooh ride
This was the site for the Country Bear Jamboree show, and so in tribute to it, look out for Max, Buff and Melvin (characters from the show...or their heads at least) in the room where Pooh Bear eats honey. As you go through the door look back above the doors.

Ticket Booths
When I first went to Disneyland, they still sold you ticket books. You would then tear a ticket out for each category of ride and hand it in at the ticket booth. Some of these original booths still can be seen sitting near the rides. (Alice in Wonderland, Casey Jnr. Railroad, Dumbo and It's a Small World)

It's a Small World
In most of the lands within It's a Small World, you will see characters from Disney movies. See how many you can spot. These have only been added to the ride in the last 10 years. Also recently added is a doll that is in tribute to one of Disney's most famous Imagineers. Mary Blair created all the original concept art for It's A Small World when it was comissioned for the New York State Fair. Walt Disney negotiated within the contract that he got to keep the set at the end of the show, and moved it straight into Disneyland as one of Disneyland's original attractions. Mary can be see under the Eiffel Tower holding a red balloon.

Peter Pan ride
When you look down over London, you will see what appears to be clouds. One day Walt was going through the ride and noticed that a plastic bag had been left in the ride by either a cast member or guest. When he pointed it out to the cast member he was riding with they noted to have it removed, but Walt thought it looked like a cloud so instructed them to add more.

While lining up in Peter Pan, be sure to look over and up to the second storey window of the outside of the Snow White ride. Keep looking at the ornate window and you will see the Evil Queen throw back the blinds and look out the window before closing them again.

Snow White ride
Look out for the golden apple above a book stand. If you touch the apple you will hear the Evil Queen laugh.

Indiana Jones ride
As you move through the line here, if you want to find two hidden gems, don't follow two signs. One is near bamboo poles and warns you not to touch the poles. Give them a little push and it will sound like you have caused the roof to start collapsing. The other one is near a well. You are warned not to pull on the rope. If you do, you will hear someone yell at you at the bottom or even fall from their place holding on to the rope.

When you get to the section where you are in a stand up theaterette where you will see the safety video, as you get closer in line to the screen look back behind you up near the roof at a ledge. You can see one of the old parking signs from the Eeyore car park section which originally was on that very section before Disneyland expanded. If you can't quite see it, ask the cast member to shed a little light on it with the torch they carry for that exact purpose.

Cheshire hat...I mean cat.
In the Mad Hatter shop, as you try on hats and look up into the mirror behind the cash register, keep and eye out for a smiling Cheshire cat that appears briefly in the reflection of the mirror.

Days gone by
If you are passing Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, stop and look across the pathway. (with Big Thunder behind you) You can see the remains of the tracks from what might at first appear to be an abandoned mine but is actually an abandoned attraction. Also here, you might see some jumping (anamatronic) fish that are intermittently turned on to jump above the water.

Tarzan's Treehouse
After you have explored the Treehouse, and get to the 'kitchen' area, look out for a hidden Mrs Potts from Beauty and the Beast and make a racket hitting pots and pans.

What's in a name?
Each horse of the carousel in Fantasyland has a name. You can ask for a list at City Hall in Main Street.

Gold spike in the castle
As you walk through the castle entrance, look down. You will see a golden circle that is the head of a spike used in surveying to ensure that the castle was directly lined up with Main Street. Some falsely think it is or was the centre of Disneyland but that is not correct.

Disney Crest
The Disney crest is located directly above the drawbridge to the castle. It is gold and has 4 lions on it.

Hidden Mickey in a locker
At the Finding Nemo attraction in Tomorrowland, go to the observation area that is not in the submarines (it is an alternative for those who cannot access the submarine or are claustrophobic) look for locker 105 and spot the hidden Mickey.

All the plants in Tomorrowland are edible...I wouldn't necessarily put it to the test, but Walt Disney wanted the area to be sustainable so all are herbs and plants that produce edible fruit etc.

Stationary Photo carriages
In Fantasyland and Tomorrowland there are a number of carriages of rides that are in places you can pose for a photo in. They include Dumbo, a teacup and an Autopia car.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Where to eat in Anaheim when you aren't going into Disneyland

If you are staying in Anaheim and want a meal outside Disneyland, here are some of my favourites...again this list is not exclusive, just our favourites.

In Downtown Disney

You don't need park tickets to eat or shop in Downtown Disney. You will need to pass through security to get there unless you are staying at Downtown Disney. 

The Travel Concierge Tip
In most restaurants in and out of Disneyland, dine outside normal dining hours or expect a LONG wait. You can also book online up to 60days in advance via the Disneyland Resort website.

Tortilla Joe's (Mexican)
This is my two daughters and my favourite Downtown restaurant. We went here first one night when my husband had a migraine so we wondered out from Grand Californian to Tortilla Joes. We loved that they bring out complimentary tortilla chips and salsa. As you sit there and order they keep filling them up and then even after you have ordered they keep filling them up. Because of this, I would suggest ordering half of what you think you want as you will be full from the complimentary food. You can also orde to go.

The details and where to book online in advance can be found here.

Express dining can be found here.

Naples (Pizza/Italian)

Naples is a great family style restaurant. Here you order meals to come out for your family to share (or a whole dish if you are really hungry) There are outside nad inside dining options, you will be asked a preference or first ready. Make sure you know what your family preferences are so that you can answer this as you put your name down. Again, you can book up to 60 days in advance here.

Rainforest Cafe (American)

This chain restaurant is a great one for allowing each member of the family to have something they like. The menu is quite varied and the prices are great. You can boo up to 60  days ahead here.

The menu is found here.

The Rainforest Cafe is part of the Landry group which also includes McCormick and Schmick's as well as Bubba Gump locations. You can join the Landry club which costs a one-off $25. It entitles you to a $25 voucher to use next time you dine (so you get your money back) It also gets points per $ spent to be redeemed in restaurants. On your birthday you will get a $25 voucher to use in the restaurants. This is valid until the 15th of the month after your birthday month. If you know you will be dining at a few of these restaurants and your birthday HAPPENS to be the month you are on holiday so you get another $25 it will put you $25 ahead, as well as having priority seating. You can look into it here.

The Travel Concierge tip
If you are going to apply- do it online and even if you don't get your card in time you can give your phone number and details and still redeem your vouchers. If you apply in the restaurant, you then have to do an online confirmation and wait for 24 hr for the voucher to apply to your card.

Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen (New Orleans Cuisine )

The only bad thing about this restaurant is there is only one in the world! We love this restaurant for the food, the decor, the Jazz music, the beignets, the Jazz Sunday Brunch and the beignets (yes they are that good it should be repeated) You can dine in the restaurant or grab take out at the separate Jazz express. OR you could be very hungry at night and duck down from your nearby hotel and grab beignets from the express just for supper...

The menu is found here.
The Jazz express menu is found here.

The area to make a reservation is found here. Although they prefer walk-in reservations.

The Travel Concierge tip
If you or your children are a Disney's Princess and the Frog  film fan- you will definitely want to try one of the beignets like Tiana made in the movie.

Dining in Disneyland Resort Hotels

I am not listing lounges and fast convenience style places.

Dining in Disneyland Hotel

Goofy's Kitchen
Goofy's Kitchen provides a buffet style character dining experience for breakfast and dinner. In here you will find Goofy and friends (on rotation so you will generally see some of the following Donald, Minnie, Pluto) there is also a selection of other available characters. Over the years we have seen the following...but not all at one sitting, some at each sitting. - Aladdin, Jasmine, Alice, The Mad Hatter, Baloo, The Fairy Godmother (a rare find), Mulan

The characters will come to  your table as you dine. While there, they will engage with your children...and you, pose for photos and give autographs. As soon as you get there, look around at where the characters are in comparison to your table. If there are none around, all go and grab some food. If they are close leave hold off or keep one adult at the table to call others back if the characters arrive at your table. 

The Travel Concierge tip
Be prepared whenever you meet characters. Have your camera, autograph books and working pens on the table ready to go. Do practice runs at home for when your children meet the characters. In our family, we have individual photo style autograph books so we are in a routine where our children greet the character, get autographs in each book, pose together and then one rushes out while the other poses for a photo and then they quickly swap...then they give final farewell hugs and then the character goes. The character will be moved on by their minders if you take too long, but by us being well-rehearsed we have never missed out, even with 3 children.

Reservations are highly recommended and can be booked up to 60 days ahead. They can be made by phoning (714) 781-3463 or from the website found here.

The Travel Concierge tip
Before you go, make sure that you get whatever you are getting autographs in so that you can officially get autographs while you dine rather than somewhere else in the park where you have to line up for a long time.

Steakhouse 55
Is a fine dining restaurant that is aimed more at adults ad families with older children. I love the memorabilia of photographs of Walt Disney and family and well-known friends that line the walls. Details can be found here.

Dining in the Grand Californian

Storyteller's Cafe
The Storytellers Cafe is a Character dining experience during breakfast and a table service restaurant for lunch and dinner. You have the option of having a buffet meal or a la carte. The Character breakfast is the "Chip and Dale critter experience" and has obviously  Chip and Dale and then a rotation of other animals found in Disney movies. Bookings are recommended and can be made up to 60 days ahead. They can be made by phoning (714) 781-3463 or from the website found here.

The characters will come to  your table as you dine. While there, they will engage with your children...and you, pose for photos and give autographs. As soon as you get there, look around at where the characters are in comparison to your table. If there are none around, all go and grab some food. If they are close leave hold off or keep one adult at the table to call others back if the characters arrive at your table. 

The Travel Concierge tip
Be prepared whenever you meet characters. Have your camera, autograph books and working pens on the table ready to go. Do practice runs at home for when your children meet the characters. In our family, we have individual photo style autograph books so we are in a routine where our children greet the character, get autographs in each book, pose together and then one rushes out while the other poses for a photo and then they quickly swap...then they give final farewell hugs and then the character goes. The character will be moved on by their minders if you take too long, but by us being well-rehearsed we have never missed out, even with 3 children.

Napa Rose
Is a fine dining restaurant that is aimed more at adults ad families with older children. Details can be found here.

Dining in Paradise Pier

Disney's PCH Grill
This is Paradise Pier's character meal breakfast restaurant based around a Surf's up theme. All the characters are dressed in surf gear. You will usually find some of the following characters on rotation- Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto and  Stitch just to name a few. PCH Grill is closed for lunch and night it is not a character meal but is a fun Californian style buffet with the option of 'Smores' for dessert. Reservations are recommended and can be made up to 60 days in advance. They can be made by phoning (714) 781-3463 or from the website found here.

The characters will come to  your table as you dine. While there, they will engage with your children...and you, pose for photos and give autographs. As soon as you get there, look around at where the characters are in comparison to your table. If there are none around, all go and grab some food. If they are close leave hold off or keep one adult at the table to call others back if the characters arrive at your table. 

The Travel Concierge tip
Be prepared whenever you meet characters. Have your camera, autograph books and working pens on the table ready to go. Do practice runs at home for when your children meet the characters. In our family, we have individual photo style autograph books so we are in a routine where our children greet the character, get autographs in each book, pose together and then one rushes out while the other poses for a photo and then they quickly swap...then they give final farewell hugs and then the character goes. The character will be moved on by their minders if you take too long, but by us being well-rehearsed we have never missed out, even with 3 children.

Dining outside Disney Resort

In the street opposite Disneyland  (South Harbor Blvd) where most of the Good Neighbour hotels can be found, there are a number of dining options. They are listed with websites below

Tony Romas Ribs website with menu (near traffic lights to cross over to Disneyland Resort)

Denny's website with menu Up near traffic lights to cross over to Disneyland Resort) 

The Travel Concierge tip
Dennys is open 24/7. This is great when you are jetlagged or arrive really late. It really is not that great but when it is 3am and you are hungry anything open to eat is treasured!

IHOP (International House of Pancakes) website with menu Near Denny's

The Travel Concierge tip
IHOP is open 24/7. This is great when you are jetlagged or arrive really late. It really is not that great but when it is 3am and you are wanting pancakes, these are pretty great!

Mimi's website with menu Found up the Space Mountain end of S.Harbor Blvd.

Panera Bread- This restaurant used to house one of our family favourite's -Millie's. It was open till midnight and had a menu full of family favourites for great prices. Now it is a more healthy choice restaurant. The menu is found here.

Yes there is a I am not going to write about it...this McDonalds has the slowest service in the WORLD!!

Dining at Garden Walk

You will need a car to get to this complex with your family.
Address321 W Katella Ave, Anaheim
Parking is Free the first hour and then $3 per hour after that.
Garden Walk websitehere

The Garden Walk has a number of shopping and entertainment venues and is open from 11am to 9pm daily.

The Travel Concierge tip
Ask the restaurant you are dining at if they have parking validation. This needs to be put on the parking ticket.

Bubba Gump (part of the Landry group- see above re membership)Bubba Gump website hours
CPK CPK website   hours 
Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake Factory website  hours
House of Blues (Opening December 2016) House of Blues website  hours
Johnny Rockets Johnny Rocket's website  hours
McCormick and Schmick's Grille (part of the Landry group- see above re membership) McCormick and Schmick's website hours
P.F. Chang's hours  P.F. Chang's website
Roy's Restaurant hours  Roy's website

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Disneyland Character Meals- and how to get the most out of one

We love character meals. They offer a great stress-free way of getting autographs and pictures in your children's autograph books while you are in out of the weather and sitting down.

In the parks, when you are lining up for autographs, you are missing out on precious attraction time. MANY times we have been close to the front and the character has had to go in for a quick pit stop that means you are waiting a long time for them to come back out. You get to that point in time where your children know they are meeting the character and are SO excited to meet them, but you have wasted over an hour and are still not next up to meet them, and you want to just say "forget it!" but are stuck there. There will still be some characters that you have to line up for in the park, but when at all possible, be smart and do a character meal to see them. This is especially true for Princesses. I totally put a price on my time and have gladly paid for the Ariel's Grotto experience, just to at least tick a few princesses off the list. As we travel from Australia to see them, I budget this in. If you can't have the added cost, try to lock out large blocks of time to allow for meeting them in the parks. Be smart and go early or very late.

Before you even get to the Character meal

1.Buy your autograph books. We usually buy the Disney photo autograph book. This has meant that each of my children has their own evidence of being with the characters over the years, from toddlers to grown-ups every trip no matter their age, we buy them for them. (Ok, so my son hasn't wanted one for a NUMBER of years but I think the girls will always want them. )These can be purchased in the Word Of Disney stores at Downtown Disney or in either park.

2. Make sure you have a working 'non- gluggy' pen and plenty of spares.

3. Organise what you will wear. I have always dressed my children up to meet the characters. You might not want to, but I always pre-organise clothing choices so you don't look back and wonder why your child had mismatched socks or their choice clothes when they had a great top or outfit that would have looked perfect for meeting the characters. You don't want to fight with your children on the morning as you are headed there on what they are wearing and then have photos with them pouting or with tear-stained faces. Sometimes we have bought a costume for our children to wear. Think about what they will wear on their feet. I think I will be old and grey and my husband will still tease me about shoes my daughter wore with a costume one trip and how daggy they look in the photos.

4. Practice the character time- OK so sounds weird, but when you only have a limited time with a character, you want to make it run smoothly and get everything done. Nothing worse than getting home and realising you forget to get one of their autographs in one book or missed a photo of them.  Our family is in the routine of ...

*Greet character- hugs/chat etc
*Autograph signing
*All in for a photo THEN
*One stays in the other go out and then they take turns with individual shots
*All say bye- hugs and chat

I usually let the character know what we are doing before hand...something like "Minnie, are you ok if we have a photo with all the children in and then they have a photo with you one at a time?" They will acknowledge and then you go ahead.

My nephews, Connor and Cooper, are headed to Disneyland for the first time soon ( I am SUPER excited for them!!!!), and on a recent visit, we did a quick practice where we had them standing by a "character" (ok so it was only their Nana...but she is totally a character) and they ran in and out for pretend photos. It was funny and silly, but if you do that before you even leave home it honestly makes it run smoother.

When you are at the meal

You have paid a lot of money, so make sure that you and your children are adequately fed. Don't just sit around waiting for the characters. We go in 'shifts' so that there is always someone at the table to mind our cameras etc.

Each character rotates around the restaurant. They will come to you. Make sure as soon as you sit down you have your camera/video camera etc. ready to go, based on practicing as above, if you have a camera and video, try to make sure the children know which one to look at by telling them..."ok look at the camera now" etc. Set up the autograph books open at the page you want the autograph on. I have little tabs that go in the book to show free pages. Make sure the pen/s are handy too.

As the character comes to your table we used to do the following. We told the kids out loud who is coming so that (when they were younger) if in the excitement they forget who the character was, we reminded them.Something along the lines of an excited "Here comes____!" We check faces to make sure no big food splodge is on their face...although one time Aladin had to do this for us! I go camera, my husband goes video. As the characters interact with our children, I sometimes assist where I can. Obviously, if the characters spoke to every child all day they would lose their voices, so the animal characters don't speak at all. So I chat with them and will tell my children what they are indicating with gestures.

The Travel Concierge tip

Take posed and candid photos with the characters. Some of my favourites have been candid hugs etc. Likewise, especially when your children are too young to remember, seeing themselves interacting in positive or negative ways can be hilarious to show them when they are older. We have video footage of our youngest refusing to be anywhere near Belle as a 13 month-year-old, but by the next trip, she was totally captivated by her.

Common issues at Character Meals to be Aware of

A Character skipping your table when they come back from a break and miss your table. This happens often. It is usually the last character you are waiting on! We usually just advise the wait staff or a wandering manager and they usually escort the character over as soon as possible. I hear about people just sitting and waiting for ages. I have attractions to get to!

Children from other tables photo bombing and taking your time with the character. This has happened a number of times. Often the parents are having a great meal and totally ignoring what their child is doing. I don't want a random child in all my pics. Usually, the character or their minder will sort the issue out, but again a chat to the wait staff or a manager should sort this out. Make sure you also chat to your children beforehand to explain that they need to wait for the character to come to their table as the automatic instinct is to rush to them in excitement.

Wait staff trying to rush you out. As most character meals are a buffet, the tip will be lower for the wait staff, so they want to rush people through to get more people through thus more tips. We pretty much stay till we are ready to when we have eaten what we want and met all the characters. We had on one occasion the waitress asking why we hadn't gone and what we were waiting on. We explained that we still hadn't met one of the characters, and of course, she organised this and we were gladly on our way.

You seem to have been seated in an area that the characters skip by. We had this on our first ever time at Goofy's Kitchen. I gave feedback at City Hall and got compensated with a whole heap of Fastpasses, but if it happened now, after it happened one or two times I would totally ask to be moved.

Birthdays and "Un-Birthdays"

We are usually overseas around my eldest daughter's birthday, so she has had many parties and characters helping her celebrate her birthday. When booking, we tell Disney it is a birthday celebration and for no extra cost they will bring out a cupcake, a badge "pin" that says Happy Birthday and your child's name and age is drawn on it. They have a character celebrate by singing Happy Birthday and helping them blow out the candle. You can also pay an additional cost for different birthday goodies which come with an actual mini cake.

To make it up to our other children, we followed the Alice In Wonderland "Un-Birthdays" that say you have one actual birthday a year and every other day is your "Un-birthday", so we tell Disney it is their birthday and celebrate it then.

What to tip at a buffet

Usually, at a buffet, you rely a lot less on the wait staff. You will notice because of this there are usually less per table. You can do one of two things. You can tip them on 15-20% of your bill BEFORE the tax is added or you can just tip them on the drink service and clearing of plates. On a family table, this might be anywhere from $5-$20+. Think about what fits into your budget.